Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

Excess hair is a major concern among men and women alike. Our cutting-edge laser treatments effectively banish stubborn hair growth, for marble-smooth skin. We offer 3 different kinds of lasers so that our patients can choose one that is most suitable to their pain threshold and treatment time preferences.

Luxis 200

Pain-free but usually requires 8 to 10 sessions.

Evolve Cold

Requires less sessions (4 to 6) with skin tightening and rejuvenation effect.

Clarity Laser

BEST FOR: Excess and unwanted hair
PRICE: Starts at ₱5,000 per session

Underarm Confidence Program

EVOLVE COLD laser is a cutting-edge laser that safely and effectively lightens the skin without the discomfort.

This laser treatment is combined with our silk glow peel to help repair and rejuvenate skin.

TREATMENT TIME: 30 minutes
BEST FOR: Dark underarms, Uneven skin tone
PRICE: Starts at ₱5,000 per session